
Blue Phantom COMPACT

Blue Phantom COMPACT

The 2D Water Phantom Solution for Relative Dosimetry.

Key Benefits

  • Leading Functionality & Compact Design
  • Entirely based on the proven Blue Phantom² water phantom solution
  • For your fastest, most accurate, most reliable beam scanning!
  • 2D high-end water phantom with smaller dimensions and minimized weight
  • Promotes easy transportation for more efficient use e.g. for annual checks
  • Optimized for satellite hospitals and commissioning service providers

Unlimited Usability - Compact Footprint

The Blue Phantom COMPACT is a two-dimensional radiation field analyzer, designed for commissioning, acceptance testing, and regular QA of linear accelerators. Each component of the system is carefully designed for top performance, ensuring the same quality and versatility found in all IBA Dosimetry water phantoms.