
IsoSeed® – Loose Seeds

Loose Seeds with Excellent Visibility

IsoSeed® stands for two well-proven seed types to treatprostate cancer.

Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG provides seeds for both X-ray based and US based seed placement with excellent visibility. Quality made in Germany combined with fast product delivery and reliable service.

Two Types of Seeds – Excellent Visibility
At Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG, the customer can choose between two different sealed source models: I25.S17plus and I25.S06. Both seed models are visible under X-ray, fluoroscopy, CT, and MR and show excellent ultrasound visibility.

  • IsoSeed® I25.S17plus features a full size silver marker and has been designed for excellent visibility under X-ray and fluoroscopic imaging. In addition, it enables MR imaging and opens new perspectives for postoperative planning.
  • IsoSeed® I25.S06 contains a thin gold marker within a ceramic carrier, diminishing artifacts and providing optimal visibility in CT imaging.

Implantation with the Mick™ Applicator

IsoSeed® comes loose or in Mick™ Magazines. Each Mick™ Magazine has a capacity of 15 IsoSeeds. With the Mick™ Applicator, IsoSeed® can be implanted in any desired seed spacing distance, thus allowing a geometrically unrestricted seed distribution.

Quality Made in Germany

The seed production at Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG is performed at the manufacturing facility in Berlin, Germany. It operates under strict quality and regulatory standards. Each single IsoSeed® is required to pass rigorous quality inspections at every production stage before proceeding to the next step.

Calibration to NIST and PTB 

The certified source strength of IsoSeed® is based on air kerma measurements. The source strength of IsoSeed® I25.S17plus is calibrated traceable to the primary SK,N99 standard of the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), the source strength of IsoSeed®I25.S06 is calibrated traceable to the primary standard of the German national metrology institute PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt).  

Guaranteed Biocompatibility

The titanium capsule of IsoSeed® is made of implant grade material. The finished products have been tested for biocompatibility.

On Time Delivery

Due to its localization in the heart of Europe and intelligent stock management, Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG is able to provide IsoSeed® quickly and reliably worldwide, allowing flexible patient scheduling.

Reliable & Competent Service

Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG is a complete brachytherapy provider whose staff consists of experienced application specialists and service technicians, supported by an extensive network of technical/clinical experts. Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG staff is available to answer inquiries related to seed implantation. Additionally, Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG offers full installation to hospitals, including treatment planning systems, ultrasound scanners, and a complete range of accessories.